If you have inserted a subproject (subproject: A project that is inserted into another project. Use subprojects as a way to break complex projects into more manageable parts. Also known as an inserted project.) into a master project (master project: A project containing other projects [known as inserted projects or subprojects]. Also called a consolidated project.) and want to rearrange the task list, you can move the inserted project (inserted project: A project file consolidated into another project file [the master project]. Also called a subproject. The inserted project appears as a summary task in the master project.) up or down the task list.
- On the View menu, click Gantt Chart.
- In the ID field, click the ID number (ID number: The number that Project assigns to each task, resource, or assignment as you add them to the project.) of the summary task (summary task: A task that is made up of subtasks and summarizes those subtasks. Use outlining to create summary tasks. Project automatically determines summary task information [such as duration and cost] by using information from the subtasks.) that represents the inserted project you want to move.
- Click Cut Task
to remove the inserted project. Note By cutting and pasting the task, you change the task's unique ID (unique ID: A unique number that Project automatically assigns to a task, resource, or assignment. It will not change as other tasks or resources are added to or removed from the project.) (different from the task ID (task ID: A number that Project automatically assigns to a task as you add it to the project. The task ID indicates the position of the task with respect to the other tasks.) located in the far left column of the Entry table) when it is pasted back into the task list in a different location. To move the task without changing the unique ID, you can drag the task to the new position in the task list. To drag the task, place the pointer over the Task ID in the ID field. When it changes into a four-way arrow, drag the task to its new location. The information is only removed from the project plan, not deleted, until you paste it back in.
- In the ID field, click the ID number of the task below where you want the project to appear in the task list. Note If you insert or paste a project below another inserted project that has only the project summary task (project summary task: A task that summarizes the duration, work, and costs of all tasks in a project. The project summary task appears at the top of the project, its ID number is 0, and it presents the project's timeline from start to finish.) displayed, the project you are inserting or pasting is added at the same level as the inserted project above it. If, however, you insert or paste below an inserted project that has all of its tasks displayed, then the project you are inserting or pasting becomes a subproject of the inserted project above it.
- Click Paste
to paste the project above the selected row.