Create a PowerPoint 2007 template

Author: mety Labels::

Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 template is a pattern or blueprint of a slide or group of slides that you save as a .potx file. Templates can contain layouts (layout: The arrangement of elements, such as title and subtitle text, lists, pictures, tables, charts, shapes, and movies, on a slide.), theme colors (theme colors: A set of colors that is used in a file. Theme colors, theme fonts, and theme effects compose a theme.), theme fonts (theme fonts: A set of major and minor fonts that is applied to a file. Theme fonts, theme colors, and theme effects compose a theme.), theme effects (theme effects: A set of visual attributes that is applied to elements in a file. Theme effects, theme colors, and theme fonts compose a theme.), background styles, and even content.
You can create your own custom templates and store them, reuse them, and share them with others. You can also find hundreds of different types of free templates on Office Online and on other partner Web sites.
Some examples of templates on Office Online include, but are not limited to, the following:
AgendasAward certificatesBrochures
BudgetsBusiness cardsCalendars
Content slidesContractsDatabases
Design slidesDiagramsEnvelopes
Expense reportsFax sheetsFlyers
FormsGift certificatesGreeting cards
Purchase ordersReceiptsReports
StatementsStationaryTime sheets

A template can include the following:
Components of a template
Callout 1 Subject matter-specific content, such as Certificate of Achievement, Soccer, and the soccer ball image

Callout 2 Background formatting, such as pictures, texture, gradient or solid fill color, and transparency. This example shows the light blue solid fill background

Callout 3 Color, fonts, effects (3-D, lines, fills, shadows, etc.), and theme design elements (such as the color and gradient effects inside the word Soccer)

Callout 4 Text in placeholders (placeholders: Boxes with dotted or hatch-marked borders that are part of most slide layouts. These boxes hold title and body text or objects such as charts, tables, and pictures.) that prompt people to enter specific information, such as Player's name, Name of coach, Date of presentation, and any variable, such as the year (2007)

Templates are different from design templates

Do not mistake PowerPoint 2007 templates with the design templates used only in earlier versions of PowerPoint.
In PowerPoint 2007, themes (theme: A combination of theme colors, theme fonts, and theme effects. A theme may be applied to a file as a single selection.) replace design templates. To learn the difference between PowerPoint 2007 themes and PowerPoint 2003 and earlier design templates, and how to add design elements to your PowerPoint 2007 presentation by using colors, fonts, effects, and background effects.

Best practice for creating a template

When you create a template, add any content to the slide master in Slide Master view that you want to protect from being changed by users of your template, such as instructional prompt text, logos, header and footer information, subject matter content, a background, formatting, colors, fonts, and effects.
Users of your template will work in Normal view, guided by the instructional prompts that you added. The template users will replace the instructional prompt text and other placeholder content with data that is specific to their own project or presentation.

Create a new template

  1. Open a blank presentation, and then on the View tab, in the Presentation Views group, click Slide Master.
  2. On the Slide Master tab, in the Edit Master group, click Insert Slide Master.
  3. To begin customizing the slide master, do one or more of the following:
      • To remove any of the built-in slide layouts that accompany the default slide master, in the slide thumbnail pane, right-click each slide layout that you don't want to use, and then click Delete Layout.
      • To remove an unwanted, default placeholder, in the slide thumbnail pane, click the slide layout that contains the placeholder, click the border of the placeholder in the presentation window, and then press DELETE.
      • To add a text placeholder, in the slide thumbnail pane, click the slide layout that you want to contain the placeholder, and then do the following:
        1. On the Slide Master tab, in the Master Layout group, click Insert Placeholder, and then click Text.
        2. Click a location on the slide master, and then drag to draw the placeholder.
          Tip To resize a placeholder, drag the corner of one of its borders.
        3. Type descriptive text that prompts the users of your template to enter specific information.
      • To add other types of placeholders that contain content such as pictures, clip art, SmartArt graphics, charts, movies, sounds, and tables, on the Slide Master tab, in the Master Layout group, click the type of placeholder that you want to add.
      • To apply a theme (theme: A combination of theme colors, theme fonts, and theme effects. A theme may be applied to a file as a single selection.) (to include color, formatting, effects, in a layout) to your presentation, on the Slide Master tab, in the Edit Theme group, click Themes, and then click a theme.
      • To change the background, on the Slide Master tab, in the Background group, click Background Styles, and then click a background.
      • To set the page orientation for all of the slides in your presentation, on the Slide Master tab, in the Page Setup group, click Slide Orientation, and then click either Portrait or Landscape.
      • To add text to appear in the footer at the bottom of all of the slides in your presentation, do the following:
        1. On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click Header & Footer.
        2. In the Header and Footer dialog box, on the Slide tab, select the Footer check box, and then type the text that you want to appear at the bottom of your slides.
        3. To display the footer content on all slides, click Apply to All.
  4. Click the Microsoft Office ButtonButton image, and then click Save As.
  5. In the File name box, type a file name, or do nothing to accept the suggested file name.
  6. In the Save as type list, click PowerPoint Template, and then click Save.
    Tip Save your templates to the Templates folder at C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Templates\ to make them easier to locate.



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