Author: mety Labels::

People just ain't no good

I think that's welll understood

You can see it everywhere you look

People just ain't no good

We were married under cherry trees

Under blossom we made pour vows

All the blossoms come sailing down

Through the streets and through the playgrounds

The sun would stream on the sheets

Awoken by the morning bird

We'd buy the Sunday newspapers

And never read a single word

People they ain't no good

People they ain't no good

People they ain't no good

Seasons came, Seasons went

The winter stripped the blossoms bare

A different tree now lines the streets

Shaking its fists in the air

The winter slammed us like a fist

The windows rattling in the gales

To which she drew the curtains

Made out of her wedding veils

People they ain't no good

People they ain't no good

People they ain't no good at all

To our love send a dozen white lilies

To our love send a coffin of wood

To our love let aal the pink-eyed pigeons coo

That people they just ain't no good

To our love send back all the letters

To our love a valentine of blood

To our love let all the jilted lovers cry

That people they just ain't no good

It ain't that in their hearts they're bad

They can comfort you, some even try

They nurse you when you're ill of health

They bury you when you go and die

It ain't that in their hearts they're bad

They'd stick by you if they could

But that's just bullshit

People just ain't no good

People they ain't no good

People they ain't no good

People they ain't no good

People they ain't no good at all


موسوعة تاريخ الحضارات العام

Author: mety Labels::

مجموعه كبيره من الكتب المجانيه والموسوعات والمترجمات مختلفه العصور والكتاب

بدات فى جمعها من اكثر من مصدر ارجوا ان ينتفع بها اكبر عدد ممكن من الناس

بغرض نشر الثقافه العربيه والتراث العربى والاطلاع على الثقافات الاجنبيه المختلفه

موسوعة تاريخ الحضارات العام

موسوعة تاريخ الحضارات العام..المجلد الاول..الشرق واليونان القديمة.zip
موسوعة تاريخ الحضارات العام..المجلد الثالث..القرون الوسطى.zip
موسوعة تاريخ الحضارات العام..المجلد الثانى..روما وامبراطوريتها.zip
موسوعة تاريخ الحضارات العام..المجلد الخامس..القرن الثامن عشر.zip
موسوعة تاريخ الحضارات العام..المجلد الرابع..القرنان السادس والسابع عشر.zip
موسوعة تاريخ الحضارات العام..المجلد السابع..العهد المعاصر.zip
موسوعة تاريخ الحضارات العام..المجلد السادس ..القرن التاسع عشر.zip



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I made these pages for me and my friends to help solving the problem we face regarding Computer & internet, if anyone wants me to answer a question or find out about some information please send me email and I will try to reply.*P.S. some of the article I wrote and the other I found on the internet I posted them in sprit of learning and shearing, please forgive me if you found something you don’t want to be in my blog, email me and I will delete them. Thank you for your interest in my pages.امل نجم Amal Nagm

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