selecting delimiters in a Gantt chart Visio 2007

Author: mety Labels::

HideText qualifier

Specifies punctuation used to identify text fields in your data file. A text qualifier is inserted at the beginning and end of a field to indicate that all of the text between them is one field.
In the following example, quotation marks are used as the text qualifier and commas are used as the text delimiter:
"Read, comment, and edit documents", 11/15/2007

HideStart import at row #

Specifies the number of the row where you want the wizard to begin reading your data file. If your data file includes one or more rows of data that you do not want the wizard to process, such as headings or notes, type the number of the first row of project data here.


Specifies the character used to separate columns of data in your text file.
In the following example, quotation marks are used as the text qualifier and commas are used as the text delimiter:
"Read, comment, and edit documents", 11/15/2007


Displays a preview of your data columns based on the text qualifier and delimiter settings you specified.



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