FreeRip Mp3 Ripper

Author: mety Labels::

The FreeRip MP3 software is a utility that can easily be used in order to extract the audio files from music CDs to your computer in an efficient way. It functions reasonably fast on all types of operating systems, projects an uncomplicated interface packed with some useful options and also features easy to reach settings that work flawlessly.

After downloading and installing the program onto your computer, insert an audio CD into your PC's optical drive. A listing of the music files will be displayed on your screen. If nothing happens, simply press the Refresh icon at the top left side of the panel.

The next step is extracting the files to your computer by pressing the CD shaped icon on the top menu. A drop down list of options should then appear where you can choose the file extensions of the ripped files -although in most cases the MP3 standard will be the most commonly selected.

Upon choosing the MP3 format ripping option, a new pop-up window displaying the file extraction progress will show up. Remain patient for a couple of minutes as all the audio tracks get saved to your system.

One nice trick to employ, even before attempting to rip the audio disks files, is checking out the music samples with FreeRip's built-in audio player. Simply select any of the files from the list on the left pane and then press the "Play Track" option, available in the File drop down menu.

By default, all of the extracted files will be saved onto your desktop, but you can easily change this and set your own preferences by choosing other folders on your PC. To do this, simply click the yellow colored folder icon from the menu toolbar and choose where the ripped MP3 files should be saved.

Visit the following web address to download the latest version of FreeRip:



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