Musicovery discover music

Author: mety Labels::

Discover music by listen to Musicovery music player
you can choice from 4 languages,or can choose whether you want to listen to hits, non-hits or discovery,you can choose the music era you want
you have four mood Dark, Energetic, Positive and Calm

Musicovery.jpg picture by metynagm

How does it work?
choosing the language we want to listen in just click on the flag corresponding to the language you want to listen to
choose whether you want to listen to hits, non-hits or discovery,then choose the era the music came from,set the player to play music that suits your mood
You can now choose the genres you want to listen to. You have the option of selecting them all
enjoy your music



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I made these pages for me and my friends to help solving the problem we face regarding Computer & internet, if anyone wants me to answer a question or find out about some information please send me email and I will try to reply.*P.S. some of the article I wrote and the other I found on the internet I posted them in sprit of learning and shearing, please forgive me if you found something you don’t want to be in my blog, email me and I will delete them. Thank you for your interest in my pages.امل نجم Amal Nagm

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