Celine Dion & Andrea Bocelli - The Prayer

Author: mety Labels::

I pray youll be our eyes, and watch us where we go.

And help us to be wise in times when we dont know.

Let this be our prayer, when we lose our way.

Lead us to a place, guide us with your graceTo a place where well be safe.

La luce che tu daiNel cuore resteraA ricordarci cheLeterna stella sei.

I pray well find your light,And hold it in our heartsWhen stars go out each night,Remind us where you are..

Nella mia preghieraQuanta fede ce.

Lead us to a place ? Let this be our prayerWhen shadows fill our dayGuide us with your graceGive us faith so well be safe.

Sogniamo un mondo senza piu violenza,Un mondo di giustizia e di speranza.

Ognuno dia una mano al suo vicino,Simbolo di pace...di fraternita.

La forza che ci daiE desiderio teOgnuno trovi amorIntorno e dentro se.

Let this be our prayer,Just like every child.

We ask that life be kindAnd watch us from above.

We hope each soul will findAnother soul to love.

Let this be our prayer,Just like every child.

Needs to find a place, guide us with your graceGive us faith so well be safeE la fede che hai acceso in noiSento che ci salverai.....



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