Import and export your favorites list

Author: mety Labels::

open Internet Explorer. Go to File and then Import and Export. The Import/Export Wizard will pop up.

2) Click Next on the first screen. We need to export your favorites so select Export Favorites and then Next. You will then be asked where you want to export files from. Favorites is already selected so hit Next again.
3) Now you have to choose the destination to export your favorites to. Choose Browse. The Select Bookmark File window will pop up. From the scroll down menu in Save In, choose your H drive and then Save. You'll revert back to the Import/Export wizard where the address for your H drive will appear as the address to export your favorites to. Select Next, Finish, and OK.
4) With your new computer now hooked up to the network, open Internet Explorer. Go to File and then Import and Export. Once again the wizard will pop up.
5) Click Next on the first screen. On the second screen, make sure Import Favorites is selected and hit Next.
6) You have to give the source that you want the file imported from. Select Browse, your H drive, and the file that you saved your favorites as. Hit Save. Make sure the file address is right in the wizard and then select Next.
7) Favorites is already selected as the place that you want your file imported to. Select Next, Finish and Okay.
Your favorites are now available on your new computer. If you need to transfer your cookies as well, you do the same thing only you replace Export or Import Favorites with Export or Import Cookies.



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