Word 2010 SmartArt Graphics

Author: mety Labels::

Word 2010

SmartArt Graphics


Lesson 22
SmartArt allows you to visually communicate information rather than simply using text. Illustrations can really enhance your document, and SmartArt makes using graphics especially easy. In this lesson, you will learn how to insert a SmartArt graphic, modify the color and effects, and change the organizationof the graphic.

SmartArt Graphics

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Watch the video to learn about using SmartArt Graphics.

To Insert a SmartArt Illustration:

  1. Place the insertion point in the document where you want the graphic to appear.
  2. Select the Insert tab.
  3. Select the SmartArt command in the Illustrations group. A dialog box appears.
    The SmartArt CommandThe SmartArt command
  4. Select a category on the left of the dialog box and review the SmartArt graphics that appear in the center.
  5. Select the desired SmartArt graphic and click OK.
    Selecting a SmartArt graphicSelecting a SmartArt graphic
To see more details about a graphic, click on any image, and a larger preview of the graphic with additional text details will appear on the right side of the dialog box.

To Add Text to a SmartArt Graphic:

  1. Select the graphic. A border will appear around it with an arrow on the left side.
  2. Click the arrow on the left side of the graphic to open the task pane.
    The arrow to open the task paneThe arrow to open the task pane
  3. Enter text next to each bullet in the task pane. The information will appear in the graphic, and will resize to fit inside the shape.
    Typing text into the task paneTyping text into the task pane
  4. To add a new shape, press Enter. A new bullet will appear in the task pane, and a new shape will appear in the graphic.
You can also add text by clicking on the desired shape and then typing your text. This works well if you only need to add text to a few shapes. However, for more complex SmartArt graphics, working in the task pane is often faster.
You can change the layout of a SmartArt graphic even after you've added text. However, if the new layout is very different from the old one, some of your text may not show up. Experiment with different layouts to see how they display your text differently.

Changing the Organization of a SmartArt Graphic

To Add a Shape to a Graphic:

  1. Select the graphic. The Design and Format tabs appear on the Ribbon.
  2. Select the Design tab.
  3. Click the Add Shape command in the Graphics group.
  4. Decide where you want the new shape to appear and select one of the shapes nearby the desired location.
  5. Select Add Shape Before or Add Shape After. If we wanted to add a superior or a subordinate, we could select the Add Shape Above or Add Shape Below options.
    Adding a shapeAdding a shape
You can change the layout of a SmartArt graphic even after you've added text. However, if the new layout is very different from the old one, some of your text may not show up. Experiment with different layouts to see how they display your text differently.

To Move Shapes Using the Promote or Demote Commands:

  1. Select the graphic. The Design and Format tabs appear on the Ribbon.
  2. Select the Design tab.
  3. Select the shape you would like to move.
  4. Click the Promote or Demote commands in the Create Graphic group.
    Promoting a shapePromoting a shape
  5. The shape will move up one level.
    The promoted shapeThe promoted shape
You can also demote and promote shapes from within the task pane. With the insertion point in the task pane, press the Tab key to demote a shape. Press the Backspace key (or Shift-Tab) to promote a shape. It's a lot like creating an outline with a multilevel list. For more information, you may want to review the Working with Lists lesson. 

Modifying the SmartArt Graphic's Appearance

To Change the SmartArt Style:

  1. Select the graphic. The Design and Format tabs appear on the Ribbon.
  2. Click the Design tab.
  3. In the SmartArt Styles group, click the More drop-down arrow to view all of the styles.
    Viewing the SmartArt StylesViewing the SmartArt Styles
  4. Hover the mouse over each style to see a live preview.
    Selecting a SmartArt StyleSelecting a SmartArt Style
  5. Select the desired style.

To Change the Color Scheme:

Word provides a variety of color schemes to use with SmartArt. The color schemes use Theme Colors, so they will vary depending on which Theme you are using.
  1. Select the graphic. The Design and Format tabs appear on the Ribbon.
  2. Select the Design tab.
  3. Click the Change Colors command. A drop-down menu appears showing various color schemes.
  4. Select the desired color scheme.
    Selecting a new color schemeSelecting a new color scheme
If you want to change the appearance of a single shape within the SmartArt graphic, select the shape and click the Format tab. You can then modify the Shape Stylecoloreffects or other settings for that shape.



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