PowerPoint 2010 Inserting Images
Author: mety Labels:: PowerPoint 2010 Inserting Images
PowerPoint 2010
Inserting Images
Adding images to your presentations makes them more interesting and engaging. Pictures, clip art and screenshots can be inserted into PowerPoint to help you effectively communicate your ideas to your audience.
In this lesson, you will learn how to insert and manipulate pictures, clip art and screenshots into your slides.
In this lesson, you will learn how to insert and manipulate pictures, clip art and screenshots into your slides.
Working with Images
Watch the video to learn how to insert and work with pictures, clip art and screenshots in your slides.
To Insert an Image From a File:
- Select the Insert tab.
- Click the Picture command in the Images group. The Insert Picture dialog box appears.
Inserting a picture from a file
- Select the desired image file and click Insert.
Selecting an image file
- The picture will appear in your slide.
Insert picture result
You can also select the Insert Picture from File command in a placeholder to insert images.
To Locate Clip Art:
- Select the Insert tab.
- Click the Clip Art command in the Images group.
The Clip Art command
- The clip art options appear in the task pane to the right of the document.
- Enter keywords in the Search for: field that are related to the image you wish to insert.
- Click the drop-down arrow in the Results should be: field.
- Deselect any types of media you do not wish to see.
Choosing which media types to display
- If you would like to also search for clip art on Office.com, place a checkmark next to Include Office.com content. Otherwise, it will just search for clip art on your computer.
Including Office.com content
- Click Go.
To Insert Clip Art:
- Review the results from a clip art search in the Clip Art pane.
- Select the desired image.
Selecting a Clip Art image
You can also select the Insert Clip Art from File command in a placeholder to insert clip art.
Inserting Screenshots
Screenshots are pictures that capture the visible windows and items displayed on your computer screen. They may include an open window of a website, items on your desktop or an open program, like the PowerPoint images displayed in this tutorial. These images can be useful for explaining or displaying computer programs, functions and websites. PowerPoint allows you to capture an image of an entire window or a screen clipping of part of a window.
To Insert Screenshots of a Window:
- Select the Insert tab.
- Click the Screenshot command in the Images group.
- The Available Windows from your desktop will appear. Select the window you would like to capture as a screenshot.
- The screenshot will appear in your slide.
Inserting a screenshot of an available Window
Inserting a Screen Clipping from a Window:
- Select the Insert tab.
- Click the Screenshot command and select Screen Clipping.
Selecting Screen Clipping - A faded view of your current desktop will appear and your cursor will turn into a cross shape
- Click, hold and drag on the area of the window that you want to capture.
Capturing a screen clipping from current Window
- The screen clipping will appear in your slide.
Screen clipping results
Resizing and Moving Images
To Resize an Image:
- Click on the image.
- Position your mouse over any one of the corner sizing handles. The cursor will become a pair of directional arrows
- Click, hold, and drag your mouse until the image is the desired size.
Resizing an image
- Release the mouse. The image will be resized.
The side sizing handles change the image's size, but do not keep the same proportions. If you want to keep the image's proportions, always use the corner handles.
To Move an Image:
- Click on the image. The cursor will turn into a cross with arrows
- While holding down the mouse button, drag the image to the desired location.
Moving an image
- Release the mouse button. The box will be moved.
To rotate the image, click and drag on the green circle located at the of the image.