ICDL Courseware material

Author: mety Labels::

ICDL - The International Computer Driving License
The ICDL is recognized worldwide as a measure of competence in computer skills.
It's aims are:
Raise the general level of competency in IT
Improve productivity at work
Reduce user support costs
Enable employers to invest more efficiently in IT, and
Ensure that best practice and quality issues are understood and implemented.
To pass the ICDL certification you need to pass the seven ICDL exam modules.

Download any of The seven ICDL modules

1- Concepts of Information Technology

(Click to download English)

(Click link to download Arabic)

2- Using the Computer and Managing Files

(Click link to download English)

(Click link to download Arabic)

3-Word Processing

(Click link to download English)

(Click link to download Arabic)


(Click link to download English)

(Click link to download Arabic)


(Click link to download English)

(Click link to download Arabic)


(Click link to download English)

(Click link to download Arabic)

7-Information and Communication

(Click link to download English)

(Click link to download Arabic)

Click Each modules Name to download it

if any of this links do not work send me Email
and i will send them to you


New links for the Arabic version

New links for the English version

if any of this links do not work send me Email and i will send them to you

  1. Anonymous 10:20 PM

    All of a sudden I was asked to give a course in ICDL. And as I was not prepared for this, I started searching the internet for some material to help (I thought that would be easy!). It took me hours of searching(don't know why! looks like ICDL has some sort of classified information or something!!!). Then I found your blog.
    Many, many, many thanks Amal. You are the best

  1. Thank you for your kind words I’m glad that I could be a help to you and anyone else
    If you need anything else please contact me and I will try to help
    If you have any suggestion please let me know

  1. Anonymous 4:09 PM

    Please I need module 2 In English . And Thanks is nothing to say for your effort but thanks

    that is my mail

  1. thank you for your kind words

    this is the link for Module 2 in English and i will add a new links to all modules in English and Arabic


    I'm glad i can help

    if you need thing else please contact me

  1. A friend asked me to give him some material for ICDL and I told hime don't be lazy , u r waiting for me why didn't u download it. I didnot beleive him telling me he couldn't find any. I did it myself to prrve he was lieng. But he was right.
    At last I found your GREAT site including everything.

  1. Thank you honey very much for your nice words
    Helping you and your friends is what I aim for
    If you need help in any thing else just ask


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I made these pages for me and my friends to help solving the problem we face regarding Computer & internet, if anyone wants me to answer a question or find out about some information please send me email and I will try to reply.*P.S. some of the article I wrote and the other I found on the internet I posted them in sprit of learning and shearing, please forgive me if you found something you don’t want to be in my blog, email me and I will delete them. Thank you for your interest in my pages.امل نجم Amal Nagm

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