Checking HTML E-mail Links
Author: mety Labels:: Checking HTML E-mail LinksThe issue with HTML based e-mail is when they come from an untrusted source, they can be altered to trick readers. If a hacker or identity thief sends you an HTML e-mail posing as someone else, they can easily fake a hyperlink so that you don't know where you're going. Here's an example: In Outlook Express, you can see which page you're going to by running your mouse over the link, just like the above picture shows. Unfortunately, it's not always that easy. Most e-mail that's not read in MS Outlook or Outlook Express is read by visiting a Web site. I'm sure many of you read your e-mail by going to your e-mail provider's Web site. Well, here's how to check where your e-mail links are going before you click on them. Since the majority of people use Firefox and Internet Explorer, I'll give directions for both. Here we go! Firefox: Next, open up Notepad on your computer. If you can't find it, it's usually located by going to Start, All Programs, Accessories, Notepad. After it opens, go to Edit, Paste. Here's a sample screenshot: |